Sent Emails Page

Sent Emails Page

In this article, let's see how to check out the sent emails page.

Page Summary         


Emails are an effective way of communicating with customers and colleagues. The Sent Email panel on the BlindMatrix Software enables users to have an overview of all the emails that have been sent by your business. The page lists all the emails sent by the various users and also mentions the email IDs of both the sender and receiver. Furthermore, the page contains details regarding the subject of the email, its delivery status, and when it was sent.

From the top of the page, users can click on the Export List button to export a copy of this list for other purposes. Also, there is a search bar on top using which users can search for any particular email or message. The page also mentions the message sent in brief, while also displaying whatever attachments may have been sent along with it. Users have an option to either view or forward these messages as per their requirement. 


How can users mark an email status notification as read to clear the status alert?

Sometimes you will receive a notification of a new email status update. This could be notifying you that an email has failed to send. To clear these notifications you must mark the email as read. 

  1. Locate the email that has not been marked as read.
  2. Click on the ‘Mark as Read' check box. 

If the ‘Mark as Read’ check box is not visible, you need to add it to the view. See Clearing email status notifications for furthering instructions

How can users draft a message as a follow-up to the mail sent?

In case you want to send a follow-email, here’s what you need to do.

  1. Locate the email to which you wish to send a follow-up.
  2. Click on the arrow icon on the right-most column marked ‘Actions’ to reply or send another email.
  3. This will open up a new window, wherein you can draft the new message as required.
  4. You may also add attachments to this email if needed.
  5. Once you are done, click on ‘Ok’ to save the drafted email.

How can users add a new column to the Sent Emails list?

By default, the window appears in the Default View, which has a predefined number of columns for specific tasks. However, users can change the default view as per their requirements. To do so, here’s what users need to do.

  1. Click on the Custom Column icon next to the drop-down menu titled Default View.
  2. This will open up a new window using which you can add a new view with custom columns.
  3. Click on the “Add” button to set new columns for specific purposes and “Properties” to establish the properties of these columns. 
  4. Once you are done, click on “Save” to add them to the database.
  5. Users can then click on the “Use Now” button to use this custom view for their purposes. They can switch between views by using the Default View drop-down menu, which will feature all the custom views you create this way.

How can users view the attachment sent along with the message?

Certain sent messages will have PDFs and quotations attached to them. In case users want to download or view these attachments, here’s what they need to do.

  1. From the Sent Email tab, they must search for the message along which they sent the attachment.
  2. Once they find it, they must click on the Paperclip symbol next to it, under the ‘Attachments’ column.
  3. This will automatically download the attachment sent to your machine. You can then open the attachment using a PDF viewer to analyse it. 

How can users send an attachment with their reply?

In case you want to add an attachment with further details regarding an order, here’s what you need to do.

  1. Locate the email to which you wish to send a follow-up.
  2. Click on the arrow icon on the right-most column marked ‘Actions’ to reply or send another email.
  3. This will open up a new window, wherein you can draft the new message as required.
  4. Click on the ‘Browse’ button once you are done from the bottom-right corner of the page to add an attachment.
  5. This will bring up a new window from which you can locate the needed file.
  6. Once you have found it, click on the ‘Open’ button to add it to your message.
  7. After adding the attachment, click on ‘Ok’ to save the drafted email.
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